Trees for Seas

A reforestation and stewardship program restoring degraded and vulnerable ecosystems in the Bellbird Biological Corridor, Costa Rica. We have planted 9,000 trees since 2020, creating several jobs in our community, and with your support we will plant much more. Read our latest planting report here.

AstilleroVerde is part of the worldwide movement to plant 1 Trillion Trees!



Camarita Regenerative Center

The Camarita Regenerative Center will be a living demonstration of an agroforestry system, growing food and lumbar together regeneratively. The education center will provide training in agroforesty, permaculture and boatbuilding.



Beats for Trees

Support our Beats For Trees program to provide Marimbas and Beatboxes to schools in Costa Rica. Support the scheme by donating or buying an instrument of your own.



With gratitude for your support!

Thank you for choosing to support our non-profit shipyard association. As an affiliate of Amigos of Costa Rica, a 501(c)3, your donation is eligible for tax deduction in the United States.

Donation options, particularly for larger donations, include national and international transfers, credit card payments, wire transfers, and cheque payments to Amigos of Costa Rica.


Please read the Donation Information Sheet to learn how to donate to us. Thank you very much!

SharE Our Mission with your friends and family!