Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras de Punta Morales
The women’s association of Punta Morales is an integral part of our shipyard crew. From January 2018, the women from our community have provided quality food and cleaning services for the team who work on site at the shipyard. Due to a growing team and demand, the average hours contributed by the women’s association increased by 33% in 2019. Two to three women come every morning to prepare traditional breakfast of Gallo Pinto (Costa Rica’s signature rice and beans!), and lunch, and as well to clean the kitchen and common areas.
Organized by the president of the association, Marisol Vega Correales, different members of the association rotate, sharing the work available. As our area of Punta Morales and Costa de Pájaros are some of the financially poorest in the country, offering very few employment options, this provides an opportunity for women to earn a respectable wage. At the same time, it helps our team to become more closely connected with our community and neighbors. Providing stable careers to these women is in line with the ideals of AstilleroVerde: creating gainful employment for underserved members of our community. Marisol and her team are ready to expand their services to meet the growing requirements in 2020, by bringing more women from the community into the association. We look forward to continuing to grow with Marisol and the association, and to helping them reach their goals of starting their own businesses, such as the bakery.